Book and Bunker Town Wünsdorf

Old books and Bunker, military history and Culture are concentrated on a manageable area located in a romantic Brandenburgian pine forest only 20 km away from the south of Berlin.

We offer eventful and informative hours above and under the ground level during the whole year.

Information & Registration

Everything about the bunkers, tours, antiquarian shops & events:


Militärgeschichtlicher Abend

Freitag, 10. Januar um 18:00 Uhr im Bücherstall "Die neue Nukleardoktrin Russlands" mit Dr. Wolfgang Schwarz Eintritt 5,00 Euro Anmeldung unter 033702 9600  


Aktueller Monat

02Jan(Jan 2)0:0031(Jan 31)0:00Tour 1 - Maybach I und Zeppelinbunker

19Jan10:0012:00Wanderung "Rund um Lenin" - "Forbidden City"

24Jan18:0019:30Buchvorstellung der Ortschronik Wünsdorf

01Feb0:0028(Feb 28)0:00Tour 1 - Maybach I und Zeppelinbunker

02Feb10:0014:30Tour 2 - Spezialführung - Tour 2 - Special Guided Tour

04Feb11:0012:00Ferienführung: Zeppelin mit Taschenlampe ( für Kinder ) – Guided tour: Zeppelin with flashlight ( for children )

Simply great - above and below the ground level!

The idea of the book town originated in Wales (Great Britain). The first book town was already founded in 1962 in Hay-on-Wye by Richard Booth: an Ensemble of antiquarian bookshops, restaurants and cultural events – a paradise for all bookworms.

Based on that idea the one and only book town in Germany was founded in 1998.

In Wünsdorf-Waldstadt are thousands of books talking about present and past, inviting to rummage and buy. Around that you can find a unique, almost 100-years old military history about that location. All this experiences you can get in museums and exhibitions or on adventurous walks through the huge bunker complexes deep down!

Let you take away from the history books told stories and bunkers, enjoy the present and gain strength for the future.
We look forward to your visit!

Antiquarian Bookshops

Antiquarian Bookshops
Old books are the heart of a booktown. About 350.000 books from various epochs make hearts leap for joy.
Antiquarian Bookshops


We offer different guided tours through the huge and stunning bunker complexes, which differ between in duration and theme.
Bunker & Guides

Museums & Art

Museums & Art
Beside many cultural events the booktown offers lots of permanent museums and galleries.
Museums & Art


Who gets hungry after browsing books and exploring the bunkers can find some dainties here.
Restaurants & Shops